“Terraform-ing” your way towards Secure Multi Cloud Networking with Aviatrix

I’m going to Terraform an entire Aviatrix deployment using terraform on this blog, mainly the controller and copilot. There is always discussion around the controller and copilot deployment using automation but I’m assume if you are reading this post you are already convinced.

Management Network

I’m creating a new management network and subnet. This step is not necessary but it helps validating that the gcp controller terraform module can deploy a controller into an existing vpc:

resource "google_compute_network" "google_compute_network-aviatrix_mgmt_vpc" {
  project                 = var.project
  name                    = var.aviatrix_mgmt_vpc
  auto_create_subnetworks = false

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "google_compute_subnetwork-aviatrix_mgmt_network" {
  name          = var.aviatrix_mgmt_network
  ip_cidr_range = var.aviatrix_mgmt_network_cidr
  region        = var.region
  network       = google_compute_network.google_compute_network-aviatrix_mgmt_vpc.id

Controller Deployment

The module gcp-controller allows you to launch the Aviatrix Controller and create the Aviatrix access account connecting to the Controller in Google Cloud Platform:

module "aviatrix-controller-gcp" {
  depends_on = [
  source                              = "AviatrixSystems/gcp-controller/aviatrix"
  access_account_name                 = var.aviatrix_access_account
  aviatrix_controller_admin_email     = var.aviatrix_controller_admin_email
  aviatrix_controller_admin_password  = var.aviatrix_controller_admin_password
  aviatrix_customer_id                = var.aviatrix_customer_id
  gcloud_project_credentials_filepath = var.gcloud_project_credentials_filepath
  incoming_ssl_cidrs                  = var.incoming_ssl_cidrs
  use_existing_network                = true
  network_name                        = google_compute_network.google_compute_network-aviatrix_mgmt_vpc.name
  subnet_name                         = google_compute_subnetwork.google_compute_subnetwork-aviatrix_mgmt_network.name

My terraform.tfvars looks like:

aviatrix_mgmt_vpc                   = "aviatrix-mgmt-vpc"
aviatrix_mgmt_network               = "aviatrix-mgmt-network"
aviatrix_mgmt_network_cidr          = ""
aviatrix_controller_admin_email     = "rtrentin@aviatrix.com"
aviatrix_controller_admin_password  = "mytopsecretpassword"
aviatrix_customer_id                = "avx-x-x.x"
aviatrix_access_account             = "test-lab-aviatrix-gcp"
project                             = "rtrentin-01"
region                              = "us-central1"
gcloud_project_credentials_filepath = "/Users/ricardotrentin/.gcp/rtrentin-01-6cxxdcdxxb84.json"
incoming_ssl_cidrs = [""]

I’m using a Google Cloud Service Account to authenticate. The credentials file is located at gcloud_project_credentials_filepath. Before applying the terraform file, we need to execute a few steps before:

gh repo clone AviatrixSystems/terraform-aviatrix-gcp-controller
cd terraform-aviatrix-gcp-controller
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path to credential file"

Once the requirements are satisfied, we can run terraform apply:

(venv) ricardotrentin@RicardontinsMBP controller % terraform state list


Access accounts:

Software version:



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